I am by nature a very positive person, but sometimes the weight of all the comorbidities starts to get the best of me. I have a wonderful psychologist with whom I can discuss my feelings. I have not connected with her for a while, but I think that I will need to do that in the near future. I also have friends that I communicate with on a weekly or near-daily basis who help me through the tough times.
I included a picture of me on a rock near a lake in one of my last posts. This is one of my happy places. I think that an ice cream cone and a visit to one of the parks in my area is long overdue. I have had so many projects that I am trying to complete that I have neglected myself.
Another thing that keeps me going is the chats with friends on the Pulmonary Chat Online sponsored by the nonprofit that Joe Morrison started called Right2Breathe. Joe started this nonprofit to honor his father and help those of us with breathing issues to have people with which we can communicate. This is a very important part of my anti-depressive plan.
I hope that some of you will choose to join us this evening at 4:30 pm eastern.