My friend John Linnel or Mike Hess named the products being sold on Facebook, Amazon, and eBay as noncentrators because they do not produce pure enough oxygen to be called concentrators. Legitimate concentrators must produce a stream or a bolus of oxygen that is 90% or above to be approved for flight and to meet FDA requirements. The machines in question produce oxygen at 30% or above according to their literature in the fine print section. Room air averages 23%, so these devices do not provide the necessary oxygen to keep the person saturated if they have been prescribed oxygen. 

The danger here is that people who cannot find the $2000.00 + in their budget are delighted to find a product that they can afford. They think that the legitimate Portable Oxygen Devices (POCs) are being sold at an outrageous price for profitability and here is a place that sells them at a reasonable price. There is no doubt that the makers of POCs are making a profit, but one cannot purchase a reliable POC for $400.00. 

I relate the noncentrators to an article that I read about fatigue. If you have read my posts, you will know that fatigue is my Achilles tendon. I came upon an article in WebMD that talked about symptoms that I have like craving salt, night sweats, and extreme fatigue. WOW!!! I have finally found something helpful. I have Pituitary gland fatigue and now I am going to find out how to minimize its effect on my life. 

As I read on the article gives me that great letdown when it tells me that this has not been proven to be a real condition and if it were the steps to control it are ones that I am already taken. From an emotional high to an emotional low within a few minutes. This example does not begin to encompass the danger of the noncentrators. 

Concentrator Noncentrator Room Air 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 

This very primitive graph demonstrates why you do not want to purchase a noncentrator. 

#oxygen360 #copd360 #POC