My name is Caroline Gainer and I am addicted to the POC. In this case POC refers to Portable Oxygen Concentrator.

Everyone is addicted to oxygen. It is the element that is necessary for us to burn the food that we eat as fuel to get energy

to maintain life. It supports that process that we call respiration which is much more than just breathing in and breathing out. Respiration is the process by which we take in oxygen and burn sugar in the cells and give off carbon dioxide as a waste product. The carbon dioxide is the main gas given off when we exhale.

Those of us with COPD are obstructed from fully exhaling the carbon dioxide. This causes us to become short of breath because it is the level of carbon dioxide in our lungs and not oxygen that drives the need to inhale.

5 Thoughts on “Hello World, I Am Addicted to POC and Oxygen That it Produces”

  • Stumbled into this article by chance but I’m sure glad I clicked on that link. You positively answered all the questions I have been dying to answer for some time now. Will certainly come back for more of this. Thank you so much

    • As a former teacher it is music to my ears to say that my blog will help with your class project. Let me know what else I might do to help.

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