I am starting the website in hopes that I can add some humor, reality, and help to those who are on oxygen. I will sometimes post video clips of my day and at other times I will just bore you with information.

While I am new to this process of blogging and website development, please hang in there with me as I learn. I do have some valuable knowledge, inspiration, and websites to share with you. The first of which I will unveil today. http://COPDfoundation.org

I urge you to become a member of the COPD Foundation as the information that you will find here is accurate. Please do not go down the rabbit hole of consulting Dr. Google and then becoming depressed. Come join those of us who are flourishing though we are stricken with a chronic disease.

Please consult my biography to determine if I am someone that you can relate with. Till the next time just “keep on keepin on”