I am getting ready to go out and about today and realized that it is with some trepidation because of the uncertainty over whether to wear my mask.  I realize that without it I feel rather undressed and naked and at the same time I feel relieved to not have to wear it everywhere.  I feel a sense of real freedom.

I understand that my grocery store and drugstore still require a mask and that is fine.  I have a stash in the car that will be ready wherever I need one.  I always felt strange, and people stared at me in the flu season when I was wearing a mask.  Something tells me that this will no longer be the case.

This is one of those days that I hardly feel like I have COPD.  I am reminded by the sound of the POC humming in the hip bag as Inogen calls it.  I call it a fanny pack because a hip bag sounds too much like a nickel bag or some other negative connotation.  I have completed my morning exercise and feel well-rested and revived after what I thought was a good night’s sleep.  My Fitbit agrees that I had a good night’s sleep.  I seldom get an excellent night’s sleep according to Fitbit.

Any time though that “so tired that I cannot take another step” feeling may hit me.  Just when I think that I have learned to pace myself and start feeling good about how things are going that feeling hits me out of the blue.  I have now determined that maybe the reason that this happens is that I have let my guard down and am no longer pacing myself.  When I get all of this figured out, I will let you know.  In the meantime, you could send me your thoughts on the issue.

I hope that you have a great day and take care of yourself.

#Inogen #COPDFoundation #oxygen360