About a week ago I posted that I had run out of spoons.  This has been a struggle for me for an exceptionally long time.  In fact, it has probably been a struggle for me for over ten years.  I am usually the person who sees a problem, forms a hypothesis, and then designs an experiment to test the hypothesis.  After all, I am the one who used to teach the scientific method of problem-solving.  I was about to say that I did not do that in this case, but on further thought, I must admit that I have formed a hypothesis that was proven wrong repeatedly.  What is the definition of insanity, well I believe that on this issue I have quite neatly fallen into this definition?  My hypothesis has been to keep on trudging until I could not trudge at all.  I hope that I can find a better way.  Several friends have offered suggestions and my doctor gave me the assignment to read the Reader’s Digest article on sleep.

My new hypothesis is to give myself one day a week to rest or recreate.  This day could be used for a craft, a trip, or to sleep.  In other words, a designated crash day.  As with all good research I have gathered background information.  I have kept track of when I sleep well and when I begin to show signs of fatigue.  I find that these statistics are rather cyclic.  I can go full steam ahead for about 4 days and then I begin to lose ground in the sleep and activity brackets.  I can still manage to function for up to 10 days after I peak.  Since Friday seems to be the day that I want to crash, I have designated it as my crash day.

The experiment has already begun.  I used it yesterday to read, sleep, play games on the computer, and reflect on my blessings.  I will keep you apprised of the results of the experiment.