Today is Friday and the designated day to rest and restore my spoons, but my spoons only lasted until yesterday which was Thursday. I felt so bad yesterday that I went to bed with the idea in mind that I would call my doctor first thing this morning. I had chills and fever and for all accounts was dealing with the beginning of an exacerbation.

This morning I woke up feeling fine. I have no chills or fever and have no mucous issues or aches and pains. I did not call my doctor because I do not want to abuse the same-day appointment agreement that I have with him.

So what does this do to the experiment? I do not think that I am ready to change my hypothesis just yet. I continue to record information and continue to assess the information. If I run out of steam in 6 days this week, then I believe that it is time to change the hypothesis. #COPDfoundation #copdawareness #oxygen360 #scientificmethod