Many people with COPD live alone and are isolated from the world with little hope of improvement in their lives. Those that are fortunate enough to have access to the internet and have the knowledge necessary to access support groups are the lucky ones. The others exist in the anticipation that life will soon be over.

I worry about these people and wonder how we can reach them and help them find a safe place to interact with others. Many families do not understand what their loved one is going through and think that they just do not want to participate in family affairs

Some of these folks are fortunate enough to have friends that they still interact with on a regular basis. The church provides fellowship for many, and some belong to professional organizations that foster personal interactions.

Work is being done to find the millions who have COPD and do not know that they have it. We need to have an outreach to those who were diagnosed but have no active social contacts.  I would hope that someone could help me formulate a plan to help these people.

#copdfoundation #Right2Breathe #COPD360social #oxygen360