I am not sure about a spoonful of sugar, but I do know about a spoonful of applesauce.  I have several pills that I have to take in the morning.  Many of them are supplements to replace substances that are depleted by medication.  

For years I struggled with getting all of these down without some melting in my mouth and giving me that awful taste that is almost impossible to get rid of.  You know that nasty bitter taste.  Then magic happened one day when I absent mindedly took a bite of the applesauce with the pills and swoosh down they went without a whimper so to speak. 

I was eating the applesauce as a suggestion from my doctor as something that I could eat in the morning that would not be too heavy as I took my medication that must be taken with food.  Yogurt works well also.  So I don’t know about sugar, but applesauce and yogurt work well to make the medicine go down in a most delightful way. #copd #COPDFoundation#oxygen360