Why do I hate to do this so much? I actually hate nebulizing the albuterol but was reminded why I need to do this procedure. This morning as I was concentrating on lengthening the count for my breathing. I practice breathing in for 2 and out for 4, in for 3 and out for 6, in for 4 and out for 8, and in for 5 and out for 10 as I am using my nebulizer. Anyway, I began to have that croupy sounding cough at about in for 4 and then had a productive cough at about in for 5. Oh yes, this is why I need to do this in the morning. I get rid of the stuff that lurks just below that magic line where I can cough it up.

Okay, I will continue to do this hated procedure. It is very important in the morning and in the evening before I go to bed. We need to keep that ugly junk out of my airways so that I do not get another bout of pneumonia. Oh yes, that is quite an incentive as the memory of breathing machines and needles is fresh in my mind.  #albuterol #COPD #pneumonia #COPDFoundation #Right2Breathe #oxygen360

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