How a Morning Health Routine Helps Me Through the Day

Unlike a friend of mine, I am not wide awake and ready to go in the morning. No, I am a if you do not have a routine forget it. After a few trips to the coffee pot and then maybe we can have a legitimate conversation. Otherwise, it is best to leave me alone for about an hour, but that aside a morning regimen does help me get started.

My mornings look like this. Wake up and sit up in the bed while my nineteen-year-old cat comes up and gets on the nightstand to get down off the bed. I put on my slippers and see if she has water in her little cup beside the faucet. I then go to the kitchen, take my thyroid pill get the cat’s food, get the dog’s food, and pour my coffee. By this time, the dog is finished with her food, and I give her treats. The cat is now begging for her treats, and I oblige. I turn on the local channel for the morning news and weather and watch for a few minutes while I wait to eat my applesauce and take the medication that must be taken with food along with my other medications and inhaler.

Next, I will go to the dressing room and brush my teeth, comb my hair, comb the cat’s hair, wash my face, and put on a little make-up. By now enough time has elapsed for me to be able to take my nebulizer treatment. So, I start my treatment and a few breaths into the regimen we do the coughing, gagging, and blowing my nose routine. Then it is time to settle into the remainder of the treatment. This is when I get a little play time. I pick up the tote that contains my yarn and the latest project that I am working on and crochet while the treatment is completing.

This ends my health regimen for the morning, and I am ready to do some chores, go shopping, go to the doctor, or whatever I have planned for the day. If my routine is interrupted, then I may forget something. Thankfully, I have the propeller app so that I get a little tune if that is what I have forgotten, or I can check my phone to see if I have taken my inhaler that day.