My head is so thick sometimes that I question my teachers and professors when they told me that I was very preceptive and intelligent. As I have written prior to this, I often run completely dry and need to sleep for one or two days.  I have also reported that my endocrinologists told me that I take a pill to replace X amount of thyroxin that I can no longer produce and that some days I need X+1 and that my pulmonologist told me that it takes me twice as much energy to breathe now that I have COPD.

My thoughts were “Well, ok so I get more tired, but then I sleep all night and my spoons are restored.”  WRONG!!!  It took my Fitbit and something that it calls readiness to get through my thick head that I do not replace all my spoons in a night’s sleep. Some nights I am not sleeping well and only replace half my spoons or three fourths of my spoons and then over the course of a week or a month I am left will barely enough spoons to wake up, feed the dog and cat, and take my medicine and maybe get dressed for the day.

The fatigue seems to be accumulative because it is. I have tried to sleep until I wake up and not set the alarm. This seems to work to some degree but does not entirely take care of the problem. I seldom get melancholy but considering that I was not to live more than a year back in 1992 or 1993, I should just try to be satisfied with the fact that I am alive and able to get out of bed.

Being satisfied with where I am is not in my nature, so I will continue to struggle to find a status that I can live with when it comes to chronic fatigue.

#copdfoundation  #oxygen360 #Right2Breathe